Wednesday, December 23, 2009

8 tips to live healthy

Healthy living is one of your resolutions this year? Listen 8 tips to live healthy from Sean Foy, president of Personal Wellness Corporation.

1. Started the day with breakfast
Studies show that people who used to eat breakfast more slender bodied than their breakfast is not good for maintaining ideal weight, reduce the risk of obesity, diabetes, heart disease and stroke.

2. Choose a balanced diet
Do not leave your plate full of food or protein berkabohidrat all. Try to keep a vegetable or fruit salad. Choose fruits and vegetables, brightly colored because the brighter the color the more vitamins and minerals.

3. Move!
Park the car farther than usual, avoid the elevator / elefator and use the stairs. 30-minute walk with a 10-minute workout. Not bad, right?

4. Enjoy your food
Most people think that healthy food is not bad and boring. Choose the type of low fat foods are delicious, so you also enjoy it. Can be added into the food taste as long as the content does not add calories.

5. Choose your favorite sport.
Sports should be healthy, instead of torture. This activity is an effective outlet for stress to make your body healthy. Choose the type of exercise you like, so that feels good while doing it.

6. Avoid stress
Stress affects your weight and your health. Also a negative impact not only on appetite but also on the ability of the body in digesting food. Think positive as much as possible to avoid stress.

7. Choose healthy snacks
Studies show that healthy snacks are a great way to control the salera eat and lose weight. Choose a snack of fruit or fresh milk.

8. Consume more water

Studies show that adequate water consumption is not only good for health,
but also helps the process of dieting. Water useful to help smooth the body's metabolism.

translated from:

  1. Tips Overcoming cramps in legs, here's how
  2. Tips and Trik to Burn Calories in 15 Minutes
  3. Why Prevent Dangerous Sneeze

Sunday, December 20, 2009

Tips Overcoming cramps in legs, here's how

Cramps are muscle spasms that cause sudden pain. Muscle spasms often occur when we're asleep, but can also be due to the heavy physical labor, such as running.

Muscle spasms also occur due to loss of body salts and liquids because of the sweat that out. Cramps can usually be cured by stretching and massaging the affected muscle.

Cramps in legs
Victim helped to his feet and his weight was arrested with the front legs. After the first seizure passed, massage her feet.

Cramps in the calves
The knee straightened victims, feet pressed firmly and steadily upward toward the shin. Massage the muscle.

Cramps in the thigh

For the strain on the back of the thighs, knees and feet aligned victim lifted. For the strain on the front of the thighs, knees bent. In both thighs, massage tight muscles.

Monday, December 7, 2009

QUICK TIPS TO READ AND EFFECTIVE : Skimming and scanning

Skimming is the only way to read to get the main idea of reading. Scanning is a way of reading by jumping directly to the target sought.

The parts that can jump over the other

  • parts that have been known from other books
  • section that contains information that does not meet the reading goal
  • section are just examples or illustrations
  • which is a summary of the previous chapter.

Scanning is a reading technique to obtain some information without reading the others. Scanning is used to
  • to identify the topic of reading
  • to know the opinions / opinions of people
  • to get the important part we need
  • to know the organization of writing, the order of main ideas, and ways of thinking writers.
  • For refresher what he had read.

Scanning is a reading technique to obtain some information without reading the others. Scanning is used to
  • find a phone number
  • search for words in a dictionary
  • looking for entries in the index
  • search statistics
  • see television programs
  • see a list of travel

Translated from :


Reading critically is how to read by looking at the author and judge motives. Thus, readers not only read, but also think about the issues discussed. Thing to remember in critical reading is that not everything written is true.

For that we must follow the author's mind quickly, accurately, and critically. Accurate means to be able to distinguish between relevant and irrelevant. Critical thinking means accepting written with a good basic, logical, correct, and realistic.

The steps that must be taken in critical reading is

  • writing test source
  • there is interaction between writer and reader.
  • Decided: to accept or reject the idea of author

To be able to evaluate the ideas of others, we need to think more carefully what is stated by the author. For that, memory is very important. There are several steps that can be taken so that we can remember longer and better, ie

a. face material with the aim

b. survey what needs to be remembered

c. search and get the facts in relation to the context

d. relate what is read to the already known.

e. Consider what is important to you.

Income in an attempt to respond to others, we must not forget the things which are revealed by an important writer. In order not to forget to make some notes from the text we read. The main points to note include
  • key parts: the main ideas, issues, important information
  • author assumptions about certain aspects
  • details or facts that we need
  • points of interest

There are three types of records, ie
  • records of the collection of facts and important details
  • records of quotations sentence, paragraph, keywords
  • a summary record

Continue to Skimming and scanning

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QUICK TIPS TO READ AND EFFECTIVE : understanding reading

Reading comprehension is closely related to efforts to understand the essentials of what he read. The definition of reading comprehension or reading comprehension is the ability lo understand the main idea, important details, and the whole notion. This understanding is closely related to the ability to remember the reading material. Effective efforts to understand and remember longer can be done with

  • organize reading material in easily understandable terms.
  • The fact that one associate with other facts or connect it with facts and context.

In reading comprehension level is also associated with the wearing reading system. Generally people tend to immediately prepare to read the text without precondition so that the readings are to be effective.

There are several systems to read, among other

1. SQ3R: survey-question-read-recite-review

2. SQ4R: survey-question-read-recite-review-rite

3. POINT: purpose-overview-Interpret-note-test

4. OK4R: overview, key ideas, read-summarize-test

Any system that many people knew and used the SQ3R. SQ3R reading system proposed by Francis P. Robinson in 1941. SQ3R is a reading process which consists of five steps, namely


Survey or a technique known prabaca material before reading it in full. Srvei goal is

1. accelerate the meaning
2. get abstract
3. learn important ideas
4. see the structure (organization) of the literature.
5. Getting interests careful attention to the readings.
6. Makes it easy to remember more and understand more easily.

There are several techniques in conducting surveys. For each type of reading, a different survey techniques.

1. Survey techniques book
  • Browse the table of contents
  • Read the introduction
  • See table, graph
  • Choice of the appendix
  • Browse index

2. Survey technique chapters
  • See the first and last paragraphs
  • See summary
  • See the subtitle

3. Engineering survey article
  • Read the title
  • Read the subtitle
  • Observe the table
  • Read the introduction
  • Read the first sentence of section
  • Make a decision (read it or not)

4. Survey techniques clipping
  • Note the title
  • Note the author


In this step we ask lots of questions about the content of reading.


Be aware that reading is the third step, not the first step.

4. RECITE / Recall

At this stage you can make notes as necessary


At this stage you try to remember back to reread the passage you read.

Finding the Main Idea Discourse

Understanding a text means to understand the main ideas presented by the author to the text. Therefore the focus should be placed on the reading of an effort to understand the main idea the author. The underlying idea of a book can be identified in

  • general overview in the beginning of the book
  • overview chapter
  • overview of the chapter
  • main idea paragraph

Sometimes people are too detailed to waste time before he found the idea anyway. Details are facts or information are packaged in a paragraph to prove, describe, and provide examples that support the main idea. Any way to recognize important detail is to look for clues used by authors to help readers, for example by
  • written in italics
  • underlined
  • bold
  • numbers spiked
  • written with the code letter (a, b, c, d)

Key words are the guiding words to help find the writer's mind. Keywords include
  • expression suppression
  • words that changed the direction of
  • the illustration
  • postscript
  • the conclusion


Translated from :


Meant to read faster is the system by taking time to read read and level of understanding of the reading material. If less time reading and higher level of understanding, it is said that the person reading speed increases.

In general, people who have never received training speed reading would have a lower reading than ability. There are several things that cause a low reading speed, among other
  • Old habits ingrained as moving his lips to pronounce, moving his head to the right and left, and using fingers or objects to show the words she read.
  • Not aggressive (not excited) in an effort to understand the meaning of reading.
  • Perception is less so slow in interpreting what they read.
There are several factors that cause a person reading speed hampered, among other
  1. Vocalization, which is read as he speak or utter a word for word reading.
  2. Lip movement at the time to read both voiced and voiceless.
  3. Head movements to follow the words read.
  4. Pointing (with a finger or other instrument) the words read at the time to read.
  5. Regression, i.e. eye movements look back a few words that have been read.
  6. Sub-vocalization, i.e. pronounce what they read in the hearts or minds.
To increase our reading speed, we first need to measure the speed of our reading. For the necessary measurements of our reading speed. The formula is:

(The number of words read divided by the number of seconds to read multiplied by 60) multiplied by the percentage of comprehension.

Reading speed depending on the needs and the material at hand. In general, reading speed can be specified as follows:

A. Reading skimming and scanning (more than 1000 KPM)

This type of reading is usually used for
  • Know the materials to be read
  • Looking for answers to specific questions
  • A structure and organization of reading and determining the general idea from reading

B. Reading tingngi speed (500 to 800 KPM)

This type of reading is usually used for
  • Read the material easily and has been recognized previously
  • Read the light novels to follow the story.
C. Quick read (350 to 500 KPM)

Usually used for
  • Easy to read literature in the form of a description and materials other nonfiction is informative.
  • Reading fiction is a bit difficult to enjoy the beauty of the literary and anticipate the end of the story.

D. Reading with an average speed (250 to 350 KPM)

Usually used for
  • Reading fiction for the analysis of complex character and the story goes.
  • Reading nonfiction is rather difficult to get the details, looking for a relationship, or make the evaluation of ideas the author.

E. Reading slow (100 to 125 KPM)

Usually used for
  • Study materials and to master difficult content.
  • Mastering the scientific materials that are difficult and technical nature
  • Create analysis valuable materials classics
  • Solving problems by reading the designated instructional nature (instructions).

Translated from :


Produced by
Augustine Suyoto, S. Pd

Modern humans apparently can not escape from the communications media. One of the many communications media is the media genuinely facing both the textbook and the mass media. Every day we are treated to a lot of mass media., Especially in the era of openness and reform as the present. If we do not pay attention to these media, surely we will be missed. Conversely, if we want to read all the written information, must have taken a lot of time just to read. For that reading skills quickly and effectively to all parties owned by both students, college students, as well as other human beings who want to engage actively in the arena of life.

There are different types of reading and each type has a specification and special functions. Therefore, these types need to be understood so that we can further improve the ability to read both the ability to read quickly and the ability to read effectively.

Continue to QUICK READ

Translated From :

Sunday, December 6, 2009

Tips and Trik to Burn Calories in 15 Minutes

By Petti Lubis

Vivanews - If you are destitute time, does not mean you have good reason to miss the opportunity to exercise for fitness. With brief training in 15 minutes you can burn calories, increase flexibility of the body and get an instant energy.

Allocation of 4 minutes to warm up, 9 minutes for the core exercises, and stretching for 2 minutes.

4 mins - Warm-up
  • Hands on hips, lift the leg to the side, then down.
  • Repeat several times, alternating between left and right leg.
  • Apply for 2 minutes.
  • Place one foot in front, and the other in the back.
  • Jump while exchanging the position of the foot.
  • Apply for 2 minutes.

9 mins - core training

3 mins - Exercise leg
  • Place one foot in front and bend your knees.
  • After the position of the front leg bent and back leg straight, swing your body forward.
  • Front legs supporting the weight, hold for a few seconds, then repeat for the other foot.
  • Repeat this movement as much as you.
3 mins - Push-ups
  • Position your body will perform exercises such as push-ups.
  • Cross legs and bend your knees, until the body is supported by the knee.
  • Lower body, stand up to the chest almost touches the floor.
  • Return to starting position, repeat the best of your ability.
3 mins - Exercise your back
  • Lie face down, with both hands on the side and legs straight.
  • Remove the legs and chest to the top, then returned to its original position.
  • Repeat this movement as much as you.
2 mins - Cooling & stretch
  • Stand up straight, with the body in a relaxed state.
  • Turn the shoulders towards the back, then turns toward the front. Repeat several times.
  • Bend your body forward, as if his arms to touch the toes.
  • With your knees slightly bent, feel the stretch in the back. Hold for 15 seconds, then return to starting position.
translated from:

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Why Prevent Dangerous Sneeze

By Petti Lubis

You know, the speed of human sneeze can reach 160 km / h? That is, if you hold a sneeze, then the body must cope with changes due to the strong pressure brought back into the respiratory tract. Pressure can cause damage to the eardrum.

Therefore, according to John Pan, MD, head of the Center for Integrative Medicine at George Washington University Medical Center as vivanews quotes from Womansday, sneezing held back would force the bacteria into the nasal cavity and ear canal, which can cause infection.

If the infection is getting worse, this condition can cause ear drum rupture resulting in hearing loss. All you need to know, nose and mouth of the channel by which the output is also related to sneeze with your ears.

Sneeze really useful to keep your nose clean (cleansing effect). Strong blowing air with high pressure from the lungs pushed out through the nose and mouth. Sneeze reflex that can happen over and over again, so expect to clean up.

In order not to interfere with your health or the people around, rather than sneezing arrested, better cover your nose with a tissue or handkerchief when you sneeze.

Source :

Monday, April 13, 2009

The Green repellent Mosquitoes

The Green repellent Mosquitoes

TEMPO Interactive, Jakarta: Everything types of plants in the park neat row stalls ornamental plants near the Railway Station Kalibata, South Jakarta. There is one plant that looks like grass is high. Small leaves and long like a sword, while the flowers cream. That plant zodia (Evodia suaveolens). "This he said can drive away mosquitoes," said Irfan, owner of the kiosk.

Irfan said, since the news spread zodia nutritious dispel mosquitoes around two years ago, many people buy them. There is to be put in the house, there is also a task for research.

Actually there is another type of plant, which is lavender, which is carry from Bandung, West Java. But Irfan no longer sell because the plant is one that is not resistant to hot Jakarta.

Men aged 28 this year to sell up to 15 centimeters zodia at Rp 5,000, while a larger average was Rp 20,000. Because the price is not too expensive zodia this is great demand. According to Irfan, sales are uncertain. But in peak season news concerning dengue fever, usually zodia sales increase.

Irfan never try to put zodia, but sometimes there are still mosquitoes in the house. "I do not know, deh, what can I usir mosquitoes. He can be dried first, the new good effect," he said.
Plant researchers from the Department of Biology Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences, University of Indonesia, Susiani Purbaningsih, states that have plants that can be used against mosquitoes interference. There are plants that drive out and have a mosquito so that they gather near the tree, not berseliweran in the house.

During this time in the community already known that some plants to be able to drive away mosquitoes than zodia. Only a geranium or footprint Doro, sereh, lavender, and citrus smell.
Susi explain this far there is no scientific study of the ability of anti-mosquito zodia. As for the lavender, it is evident, but only for the type of lavender that grows in subtropical climate. Meanwhile, Indonesia has not been genuine lavender examined.

"From day-to-day observations are shown zodia can dispel mosquitoes," he said. Susi allegations, issued a zodia dispel the smell of mosquito or a chemical compound with the system sarafnya.
Susi put nine in the pot zodia fence around the house that happened not far distance from the wall. The result, now berseliweran not many mosquitoes in the house.

so effective, Susi recommend choosing zodia adults with high plant 30-40 cm. At the age of the plant already produces chemical compound which is enough to affect mosquitoes.

Zodia can be placed on or near the terrace door and the window in order to prevent mosquito entry. They often work in the garden or planting a garden can also zodia among other plants, of course the number must be balanced with the area. "Do not land broad zodianya but only one, it does not take effect," said Susi.

A clear, Susi reminded that no anti-mosquito plants put in the house, especially in the bedroom. In addition to the plant on the night of the carbon dioxide issue, there has been no research concerning the effects of chemical compound produced by plants to the human anti-mosquito. "If we can affect mosquitoes, may also have the effect for men," he said.


Step Natural Atasi Mosquitoes
There are many ways for interference against mosquitoes. For those who do not like wearing mosquito chemical drugs, the following steps can be implemented.

1. Prevent mosquito breeding to avoid the things that can hold water around the house. Kuraslah bath regularly to kill the mosquito eggs and flyblow.

2. Do not let mosquitoes in, close the window when the days start the afternoon. Or use the curtains and mosquito net in the post ventilation.

3. Place the anti-mosquito plants in the yard and terrace.

4. If the yard full of trees, pangkaslah the limb close to the ground. This wind can make a move without obstacles in the yard, the mosquitoes do not make a stand.

5. Wearing clothes with bright colors, because the mosquitoes attracted to dark colors.

6. Take advantage of tools murderer mosquito repellent and electrically. There are tools that use a mosquito repellent ultrasonic sound, which is also directly kill mosquitoes, such as mosquito racket, or device in which a large fan to kill mosquitoes. Equipment is usually sold in the shop equipment and household hipermarket.

7. Press the growth of mosquito population to use natural predators, such as keeping the fish in the pond house yard.

Caring motorcycle chain

Caring motorcycle chain

Motorcycle chain is one of the most important part in safety and comfortable driving. Therefore needs to condition. How to treat a motorcycle chain? Below are a few tips in caring for a motorcycle chain:

Note the condition of a motorcycle chain, while driving to hear if the sound of noisy motorcycle chain then you have several possibilities:

1. Motorcycle chain is already dry or corroded. What should be done is clean and lubricants at least once and 2 mingge akan more often during rainy conditions.
2. It's possible your motorcycle chain slack or loose. Be careful if you are a motorcycle chain slack, because the chain slack will cause lepasnya chain from iron chain wheel (gear). It also causes the chain is lost when the gas is encouraged because the distance difference between the chain slack is too large. The default is 3 cm.
3. Chain with the chain cover. Note the chain cover.

Note the condition of your motorcycle gear, if the gear is spiked tires and pause slack has been exhausted then you should change your motorcycle chain.
Such tips, hopefully useful.
Caring motorcycle chain

Motorcycle chain is one of the most important part in safety and comfortable driving. Therefore needs to condition. How to treat a motorcycle chain? Below are a few tips in caring for a motorcycle chain:

Note the condition of a motorcycle chain, while driving to hear if the sound of noisy motorcycle chain then you have several possibilities:

1. Motorcycle chain is already dry or corroded. What should be done is clean and lubricants at least once and 2 mingge akan more often during rainy conditions.
2. It's possible your motorcycle chain slack or loose. Be careful if you are a motorcycle chain slack, because the chain slack will cause lepasnya chain from iron chain wheel (gear). It also causes the chain is lost when the gas is encouraged because the distance difference between the chain slack is too large. The default is 3 cm.
3. Chain with the chain cover. Note the chain cover.

Note the condition of your motorcycle gear, if the gear is spiked tires and pause slack has been exhausted then you should change your motorcycle chain.
Such tips, hopefully useful.

Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Benefits of watermelon fruit to sex

Benefits of watermelon fruit to sex

Who does not know that watermelon fruit? Fruit that is easily obtained and this was valuable cheaper contain substances that have effects like viagra which is very expensive. We know that watermelon is the fruit of good health for us, watermelon contains almost 90% water and the rest contain the substance in a substance known by the name melon Phyto nutrients, the compound that the compound of a natural bioaktif, or able to react with the human body to trigger a reaction that healthful reaction. In melon, we can find lykopen, beta karoten and citrulin, with a variety of useful functions that are still in research stage. Is a Lykopen antioxidants that protect the human heart, prostat as well as skin health.
Citrulin compound is the most brilliant among Phyto nutrients with various other useful functions, such as uses for duct merelaksasi blood vessel, such as that done by viagra

In the body citrulin will changed to arginin through a specific enzyme enzyme, arginin is an amino acid that created wonders for the heart and circulation system to keep the system a good body resistance. Relationships between citrulin with arginin can also help those who are suffering from Obesity and type 2 diabetes melitus. Arginin also help with the circulation urin Ammonia and other toxic compound compound of our body. Arginin also cause increased nitrit oxide in the blood that function to merelaksasikan vein, the same basic effect as that caused by viagra, to overcome Erectile Dysfunction and perhaps to prevent it.

We know that Viagra is working closely associated with increasing nitrit oxide in blood. During sexual stimulation body will take the nitrit oxide in the penis, in the stem, then Nitrit oxide enzym activate guanylate cyclase which caused an increase cGMP. This hormone cGMP dilate blood vessel function of the channel entrance into the blood to the penis. Melebarnya due to blood vessel, then it will be filled up so much blood, suspense, and the crust. This condition is called ereksi. During the cGMP produced in a sufficient degree, then ereksi will be maintained. However, the body has other mechanisms that become penyeimbang effect cGMP. If not, then a man will continue to experience ereksi. Penyeimbang is PhosphoDiEsterase compound 5 (PDE5), the compound that is capable of destroying cGMP. With damage to cGMP, the blood vessel will be off again, so that the organ stop having sex will ereksi.

Viagra worked as a retarder compound PDE5, PDE5 dihambat if, it will not be damaged cGMP, a result vena sex organs continue to widen. This effect is still held up in the blood level viagra decrease.

Watermelon may not work specifically against a particular organ the withdrawal viagra. However, consumption of watermelon is a good way to merelaksasikan blood vessel without having to experience side effects that can be caused by drug treatment.

Monday, March 30, 2009


Please try a Test ALZHEIMER free!

1 - Find the letter "C" below. Do not use the help cursor.


2 - If you have found the letter "C", now find the number "6" below.

9999999999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999999
9999999999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999999999
9999999999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999999999
9999699999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999999999
9999999999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999999999
9999999999999999999 9999999999999999 999999999999999 99999999999999

3 - Now find the letter "N" at the bottom. This is somewhat more difficult.


This is not a joke, fren
If you can pass this test 3, then you can cancel the plan visits to specialists neurologi
Your brain is still far from good and Alzheimer's Disease. Congratulations!

For your info
Senility or Alzheimer disease is a similar decrease in nerve function of the brain that the complex and progressive. Alzheimer's Disease is not contagious disease. Alzheimer patients experienced a decrease in the power remember so severe that the sufferer is no longer able to manage themselves.

Alzheimer classified as one type of dementia is marked with a lower speaking ability, the ability to think healthy, the mind, consider the ability, the changes in personality and behavior is not restrained. The situation is very burdening patients and family members also need to maintain and merawatnya. Decreasing function of the memory also influence the function of intellectual and social penderitanya.
Source of this disease is not known with certainty, but rather because the process penuaan. Some scientists estimate that senility is related to the formation of and changes in nerve cells that normally become a kind of fiber.

Carry a risk for Alzheimer increased in line with the growing age. "At the age of about 65 years old, a five per cent risk for the disease and this risk is increased two-fold every five years," according to expert Psikogeriatrik, Office Medicine Psychology, Faculty of Medicine University of Malaya Center (PPUM), Dr. Esther Ebeenezer. Although senility often associated with old age, but that people with Alzheimer who first identified the beginning of a woman aged 50 annual.

Alzheimer History

This disease is found by Dr. Alois Alzheimer in 1907 is called the Alzheimer appropriate name penemunya.
Alzheimer found that people with Alzheimer brain nerve not only frown, even met extraordinary cloud of protein called plaque amiloid fiber and a kink (Neuro fibrillary).
Amiloid proteins that form cell-cell protein plaque, the cause is brain chemistry changes. Musnahnya nerve cells is causing the brain nerve function convey messages from one neuron to another neuron affected.

Although already discovered almost a century ago, the Alzheimer disease is not seterkenal like hypertension, severe acute respiratory syndrome (SARS) or heart disease. Perhaps because the symptoms of Alzheimer's Disease is not immediately visible, which is different from hypertension can be monitored through blood pressure checks. Alzheimer's Disease is not detected because of the suspicion that often forget is that reasonable people are more experienced because of the age factor. While it may be "often forgotten" is a sign of early Alzheimer's Disease.

Alzheimer's Disease become more widely known after the former President of the United States to-40, Ronald Reagan himself explained the situation in the suratnya dated 5 November 1994. Latest clinical research shows that consumption of fatty acid supplement omega-3 may slow the rate of decline in cognitive function alzheimer light.

Symptoms of illness and level of disease:

Mild symptoms in the leg can be: forget where the key store, forget to take money change, want to forget what to buy in a store, forget the phone number or do not remember which drugs are usually eaten every day.

At the secondary level: the patient, for example, forget to mix sugar in beverages, salt in cooking or forget how to beat in the sugar glass.

On a serious level, people are not able to do things such as the self, no longer recognize the circumstances around the house, do not recognize friends or family members nearby.

Alzheimer patients can become aggressive, angry and quick to lose interest or hobby that interact diminatinya ever. People with severe or secondary level may show strange behavior, such as scream, let the people or to anywhere, even in spite of the person to the toilet.

In addition, patients can also experience such as halusinasi hear voices or whisper softly, or
see the frightening shadows. People also sometimes go back and forth without purpose they sleep pattern also changed. People will usually be more sleep in the afternoon and continue awake at night.
Circumstances are not directly provide mental pressure to the nurse or family member who must be vigilant to maintain the patient during the'36 hours' day.

Most Alzheimer patients died due to pneumonia or pneumonia because they can not do other physical activities.
A sad, is that the person who hurt themselves do not understand what's going on themselves and other people need help. Bad news is Alzheimer's Disease, can not be cured. However, the symptoms can still be controlled with medication. Drugs that are given at the beginning, can help people with memory, such as cognitive function, activity and behavior sehari2.


Around 1950, an estimated 2.5 million people around the world suffering from this disease. In 2003, World Health Organization (WHO) estimates more than one billion people aged above 60 years or 10 percent of the world population suffering from Alzheimer.
Increasing the number of people with Alzheimer related to the increasing number of citizens of the world of information, and the age or length of life of the world. Age life of women increased to reach the age of 80 years and men reaching the age of 75 years. In addition, the maintenance factor of the better health and declining birth rate.

People suffering from Alzheimer risk:
* People with hypertension with age above 40 years
* People with diabetes
* Lack of exercise
* A high cholesterol level
* The offspring - have families who suffer Alzheimer at age 50-an.
from Group Milis

The influence of comfortable Driving Tire

Warna Teks
The influence of comfortable Driving Tire

One of the motorcycle, which is very important and need to be is the tire. Tires actually have a very important function. Therefore important to consider the condition of your motorcycle tires. Because the driving comfort and safety is highly dependent condition by motorcycle tires. This is the time you start choosing the right tires for safety and comfortable driving a motorcycle.

use size and wide tires that suit your needs. Using tires with a width and small size may cause gesek style with the way smaller, so that energy is not a motorcycle you are exhausted because of friction with the road sector.
The small style gesek This will usually make your motorcycle budah skid or slip through when the road is not flat or berbatu.
Conversely, if you select the tire with the size of the width of the motorcycle, you will tend to be more stable, although the issue of a large amount of style because gesek incurred large.

For the safety and security, you should note two types of tires. Tire that is dry and wet tires. Tires can be used during dry conditions the road is not wet field or dry. Dry tires can work at optimal conditions so that the dry areas of road safety drive is guaranteed. But be careful if you use the dry tires when wet road conditions, because the power does not work optimally.
Conversely if you use tire wet to dry road conditions while also not maximal, because the field of tire menapak to be smaller because of the way used to remove water. However, use of wet tires during dry conditions is much more secure in comparison to use the rain tires dry.

Motorcycle tires are good tires that are not easily worn in other words the condition of tires are bald. For security reasons you often well monitored. Using tires that are bald akan cause your motorcycle is not stable when the road is slippery.

In addition, you must be selective in choosing routes driving conditions to maintain your tires. Avoid the path of the vehicle perforated, uneven, slippery and sharp. Although this path until the goal more quickly. Better through the streets safe.